The Coffee Region of Colombia is a land of beautiful women, gorgeous scenery, and a laid back lifestyle. When you arrive you can find cheap beer, cheap drugs and even cheap sex from any type of woman you can imagine. So desirable is this city, that a Danish man came here to film a music video and have Sex in Pereira, with Pereiranas.

Floating along in a pool of bliss….running around on a moto with a girl on the back, and having these weird, “deeply intimate” encounters are featured, just like so many of us have experienced in Latin-America. But, definitely not as original. You can see all the lovely but poor areas, some tropical landscape, and hear a strange & creepy electronic voice that tries to sing about intimate stuff.

Sex in Pereira

Take it from someone who knows, the Colombians are amazing lovers! Having married one, I should know. They are virtually unmatched for passion and vibes. Like the rare and exotic orchids that you will see so often here, the sex is everywhere.


It’s everywhere. You can find the lady-men over on La 14 (calle 14), and experience their strange worlds of passive-aggression. The addicts can be found lingering on carrera 9 between calle 14, 15 and even up to 16, or we suppose you can simply ask your hotel desk for a classy call-girl. Right?

By now you may be questioning the point of this article or even my sanity. Hang with me here.

Pereira is an amazing place. But, it is NOT a mecca for sex tourism, or even having multiple girlfriends. Really, it isn’t. In fact, I genuinely want to warn visitors, that this is not a safe place for that. You are the one who is going to find yourself in problems. There’s a reason they call this place the “Big Pueblo.”

First, I want to share something with you:

Did you know that Pereira has some pretty amazing women who are also strong leaders? Women who work as professionals. Women who are very well educated. Honestly, I don’t even know why people still talk about the “puta” thing in reference to Pereira, because I don’t meet women like that….ever.

And, if paying for sex still gets your rocks off (or you have ugly ones), then there is even a LEGAL form of prostitution. Obviously, the oldest profession in the world exists pretty much everywhere in some form or another. Thanks to community action networks, and cooperation from the police, illegal and underage prostitution is being cracked down on at an astounding rate. So, watch yourself.

In a recent interview with the police department, an underage sex ring was recently taken down that was trafficking girls aged 12, 13 and 14 years of age. This was happening with the full knowledge of the families. Those girls are now in a group home and being cared for and rehabilitated via government services.  And, the Pereira Police are actively working in and among the community via undercover officers to continue their sting operations. Which also includes prosecuting foreigners, in conjunction with all necessary treaties, to retain them in Colombia even and ensure offenders get jail time.

Let’s Get Down and Dirty Here

Remember, “If you see something, say something” because you could be saving a life, changing a life and helping to create stronger families through your testimony. Silence is one of the biggest perpetrators of human rights crimes:

  • According to UNICEF more than 35 thousand children are being exploited for sex tourism in Colombia each year.* * Editor’s Note: A recent check to this link has shown a marked increase in the number of children being sexually exploited since the publishing of this article.
  • Behind these numbers UNICEF has prepared a new strategy to eradicate sex tourism and child sex tourism in Colombia. As a result hotel employees are being trained to report incidences of sex crimes taking place.

This “keep your dirty laundry to yourself” culture needs to end. Sex isn’t a secret. It’s part of nature. A necessary part of the circle of life. And, your mother did it too. But, be healthy about it. Don’t go rape children to get your rocks off, because it is NOT acceptable here. We are watching, and we will report you.

*Editors note: please forgive our oversight. It was supposed to be 35,000 children.

Sex in Pereira


A Piece of Advice

We personally know of several cases of men being drugged with scopolamine by pretty girls in Pereira in order to rob them. Although Colombia is much safer, gringos are still targets and must be alert at all times. Pereira is a very small city and gringos are much more noticeable than in Medellin or other larger cities.
Sex in Pereira is not what its cracked up to be, the city is much smaller than places like Medellin. If you are looking to meet a nice girl, you will have to behave yourself If you are dating around, you will be caught almost instantly as there are only few “hip” places to hang out.

the party scene is a little more scaled down here, than the larger cities

If you are looking to find a “good girl,” you will have to commit to it. Don’t make the mistake of disrespecting our women.
It may be worth noting, that the party scene is a little more scaled down than the larger cities. Although Pereira has its zona rosa, it is not always hopping, like the larger cities. It is a little more dependent on paydays, and you will more often than not, find that the bars/clubs are not very happening unless it is a holiday, etc. As one visitor to Pereira noted during his trip:

“I started dating a few different girls. But, things went south pretty quickly with all of them after I started running into them EVERYWHERE! OMG, this town is like, way too small!” ~ Anonymous Gringo #1

“Pereira is a pretty cool place, but it’s a very “local” party scene. Everyone knows everyone and many of us learn discretion the hard way. It’s like this weird American thing, we like to declare our intentions from the rooftops and then go in and conquer.” ~Anonymous Gringo #2

Save Yourself the Headache

Obviously I am one voice in the wind, but I am one of many. The expats of Pereira are unique in the community sense. Many work together to support each other’s businesses. Pereira City Guide is in existence today because of small expat & local Colombian businesses here in Pereira.

This is also a community that communicates more than the larger cities. Due to the much smaller, easier to traverse city areas, and conversation groups and meet-up groups, we are very interconnected.

It’s a nice community, and one that stands together 100% against sex tourism in Pereira.

If you are a man of foreign lands, and you come here looking for a nice young Colombian peach, be warned:

The Policia Metropolitana de Pereira works with communities and are swift to take action against cases of multiple reports/offenses/similar recurrences.

The expat community of Pereira is a great place if you are looking for a chat, a beer and intelligent conversation. Sex tourists need not pass by here. Save yourself the legal fees, and headache.

If you are aware of foreign sex tourism happening in a neighborhood near you, you can contact the main dispatch by dialing #123, and reporting what you saw.

Do It Legally

Sex is part of the circle of life. In some ways it’s legal and others it isn’t. For example, In Pereira, you can have legal sex with a prostitute. But be sure to ask if she is “en Fiche“, in other words she has papers from the health department to ensure that she is healthy, and more importantly of a LEGAL age.

You CANNOT have sex with an underage boy or girl (Under 18).  You CAN have sex with someone who is the age of consent, 18 years and up.

Pereira is NOT a place for child rapists or sex offenders.

NO means no. Here. There. Everywhere.

Come and enjoy our beautiful waterfalls, the colorful women in tropical fashions walking down the street, and the incredible coffee that we excel in growing. Maybe you will meet someone special along the way, discover a new passion, or even decide to stay and have a family. What matters, is you are going to do it in a healthy way!

Pereira is a place for strong families, beautiful weather and amazing coffee!

Sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter and VIP Travel ClubCLICK HERE!

    Robert Strovink November 25, 2016

    The age of sexual consent is not 18 in Colombia…everything else here I find factual and agreeable. I have never been there nor will I if I’m such a burden and target…

      Open Minded Traveler November 25, 2016

      Sorry Robert, but the penal code was discussed with a lawyer and the age of consent is 18. This was very clean throughout the code of the law. And, if you start playing with girls under 14, beware.

    guy December 7, 2017

    very nice write up, plenty of fun to be had in this city if you know where to look, and the girls can be stunning

      Open Minded Traveler December 7, 2017

      As long as you do it legally, and not with children or people who are being trafficked. Good luck!

    Billy December 15, 2017

    Great overview of Pereira thanks Erin.Sex tourism doesn’t belong anywhere,I concur. Billy

    Billy December 17, 2017

    Women in Colombia are mediocre looking at best including Pereira.That’s not a good reason to visit. Billy

    Billy December 17, 2017

    I wish more would have factual and professional presentations like you do Erin,great job. Billy

    Benziane March 14, 2018

    Great article , I enjoyed reading it , I have never been in colombia , I am planing to visit if God will , I am a muslim so I don’t do this nasty things .

    John wislon April 19, 2018

    I play golf and tennis at club campstre and bang loads of girls here and in armenia. This guy is a goofball.

      Open Minded Traveler July 19, 2018

      Wow, classy type of guy aren’t you? Make sure you spend some time at the doctor’s office, might help keep you from spreading too many STD’s around.

    Well Healed April 22, 2018

    Uneducated aerogant,financially broke and low class describes Pereira to a ” T “.I opened my manufacturing business elsewhere which would’ve employed over,800.

      Open Minded Traveler July 19, 2018

      Make sure you put “spelling practice” on your -To Do- list for next time. Pereira isn’t for everyone.

    Trevor June 6, 2018

    The age of consent in Colombia is 14. In 2003 the US Congress authorised officials to prosecute US citizens found to have engaged in sex with foreign prostitutes under the age of 18.

      Open Minded Traveler July 19, 2018

      When I wrote this article, I reviewed the current laws WITH a fully licensed and certified lawyer. The age of consent is 18. Just to be sure, I am going to check into it again.

    Trevor June 6, 2018

    Prostitution is legal in Colombia between adults over 18. There are many females on low or no income who provide this service. Male genetics program them to seek sexual variety. That’s life.

    Peter O'Brien May 21, 2021

    Are there any free dating sites in Pereira? If so, I would like to join. I am trying an Internet site but payment is not working. I am seeking beautiful Erika, aged 36. Peter from Canberra, Australia.

    Luis Tejas May 14, 2022

    Loved this editorial,well written,excepto I would like more info on calle 14, is it a daytime thing or strictly nights, do you go in clubs,or is it a different thing?

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