Paintball Pereira, in a creepy old building… Where the dark shadows obscure the sneaky antics, of you and your friends playing some real-life Halo-style paintball! With 2 floors of obstacles, holes, poles to slide down, ladders and views of downtown Pereira. In our first edition of Things to Do In Pereira, we take you inside Vertigo Paintball Pereira.

Locked and loaded!
Paintball Pereira
Located in an old abandoned building, you will find some pretty cool action inside the dim, shadowy corridors of this place. It’s in an interesting zone of Pereira. From the prep area, we could look down at the street and see drug dealers prepping their product and old hookers hanging out in a doorway of the rundown building across and down the street a ways. And its rather ironic, because in the other direction from the same rooftop you can see the Zona Rosa, or Avenida Circunvalar.
Groups of players can use up to two floors and choose from a variety of missions, games and styles of play. Gamers can ope to capture the flag, have 3 lives but return to home base if hit or can do kamikaze missions like Lock & Key. In the Lock & Key mission, a box with a buzzer is locked with a padlock. The key is thrown into the sawdust of a nearby room. Players must start on the floor below, go up by stairs or ladders, find the key, open the lock and ring the bell to win.
As my first experience, my knees felt a bit weak, and I wanted to hide in a rat-hole. By the end of the day, I was starting to come out a bit more, and take my punishment like a big girl. But, not without dealing out some head shots and eliminations of my own. No pain, no gain! This sport isn’t for the weak-of-heart, but it is for the adrenaline junkies.
When we started playing, it was a heady sense of adrenaline, especially for the first time. You are hiding in shadows, and suddenly splat! The paintballs feel like someone smacked you with a 1/2″ dowel, and can leave a fist-sized bruise. But, if you are willing to give it a try – you will discover non-stop adrenaline in a great obstacle course.
The cost is 21,000 pesos for 100 rounds of paint balls, rifle, head gear, coveralls, and gloves if you need them. In our experience, finger-less gloves and a scarf, are nice to have too. Getting hit in the neck with a paintball is kinda freaky. Check Vertigo Paintball in Pereira!
Carrera 9 #14-35 – Ring bell and wait for admittance, this can be delayed if games are in session. Visitors must call ahead for reservations as spaces sometimes fill up quickly. Bring a friend if you go to this area, especially after dark or on Sundays.
Call For Reservations: 314 6908645 Hours: Open Everyday from 8 AM – 10 PM

Ready for action!