The Artists of Pereira come from all walks of life, with very unique views, ideas and approaches to art. Let us show you a small variety of Pereirano artists.  This article has been prepared in the spirit of “Minga“, a Colombian tradition which means “community work.”

In other words, we are not being paid in any way for this article. All related costs are on us because we are 100% committed to our mission for 2017 which we are identifying with the hashtags: #SupportLocal and #BuyLocal. Come along with us as we show you our favorite city in the world, Pereira. Help us do our part to create strong communities and strong families, full of people who are proud to live in our bello city.

Come along with us and discover something beautiful! We met and had a little chat with the Artists of Pereia to see how they express their art, the feelings behind it, and the intentions they convey to the world. What we discovered was a vibrant world of color and expression. And, take note: These are only the artists we had the time and resources to catch up with. There are many more here that are well worth their skills and talents!

Art Events in Pereira

La Cuadra Talleres Abiertos | First Thursday – Every Month

La Cuadra-2

Located one block off of Circunvalar Avenue, is a type of block party and art gallery exhibition where people gather on the first Thursday of each month. Get involved with the local art scene in a safe, yet festive environment. Come out to the part of Avenue Circunvalar between La Ruana and Pepe Ganga. The block behind these shops will have food, drinks and art along with local music and musicians.

Art Communities & Organizations

La Cuenca Artist Residence | La Florida

La Cuenca Artist Residence Pereira

The artist residence is a series of bedrooms with a couple work spaces which are large and well-suited to most projects.

The artist residence is a series of bedrooms with a couple work spaces which are large and well-suited to most projects.Located a short bus-ride away from Pereira, La Florida has become a local hotspot for artists, musicians and nature lovers. With a very bohemian yet traditional pueblo of Colombia type of feel, you will be pleasantly surprised as we were to discover that this area is a bit of an artist enclave. At least one third of the artists we are going to present to you below, live in La Florida area. And, for artists who want to spend some time close to nature, there is a place here for you.

The residency can be either paid, or bartered for. Visitors can opt to rent cheaply, with a bedroom and workspace, or to participate in an internship that creates an art installation as a community project. For more information email or online at

El Museo de Arte 

Av. Las Américas #19, Pereira, Colombia 

Near to the Pereira bus terminal where the Avenida del sur starts, you can find the Pereira Museum of Art. Most installations featured are on a rotating basis. Check with their event calendar to find out about current exhibits and expositions. Every August, around the time of the harvest festival, the Risaralda Orchid Association, hosts an orchid exhibition which is very nice. |

Local Artists of Pereira – #SupportLocal #LocalArt

Today we are very driven by short and easy to embrace ideas. The “Hashtag” #SupportLocal is an effort by Pereira City Guide to raise awareness and participation in the local community. This drives the economy, raises our security and can even change the world. In an effort to create healthy participation we picked a few artists which were referred to us and produced this article out-of-pocket as our way to #SupportLocal. Not too far behind this article we are going to follow up with Musicians of Pereira, and the Dance Community too! Feel free to email us with a recommendation for an artist that YOU love and want to help support.

Constanza Chabur

Mosaics | Sculptures 

Constanza Chabur Pereira Colombia

Over 20 years ago Constanza left behind her previous career in the legal world, to practice her art. And, from her own passion and drive, today she does mosaic art pieces, murals, pool patios (including the pool too!) and sculptures. She was very gracious to bring us into her home and introduce us to her incredible talent.

Not every artist starts off in art, and some discover it much later in life, that they have the talent for it. Constanza was a late bloomer who began as a helper and discovered her own talent in the process. “La basura que dehaba. Yo impece a recogia los y guardaraba los. Despues 5 anos de trabajar como un adjudante con los murales. Independiente de el yo impece hacer esculturas y materos. Y la gente impezo a enamorar con los objetos que yo hacia y alli nacio el idea a impeser, ja!” The trash (from pools or murals, emphasis added), that was left. I started to pick up the pieces and save them. After 5 years as a helper doing murals and independent of him (her husband and teacher), I started to do sculptures and planters. And people began to fall in love with the object that I created, and from there was born the idea to begin, immediately!

Constanza describes her inspiration as: “La verdad, nunca se que voy a hacer. Me encanta los emociones. Me hecho casi todos los escultures hay mucho expresión. Me encanta jugar con color y expresión. Nunca sabes como voy a acabar.” The truth is I never know what I am going to do. I enjoy the emotions. My work, almost all of my sculptures have lots of expression. I enjoy playing with color and expression.

To purchase or commission your own art piece:



Cesar Piedrahita


Cesar Piedrahita

Image by Cesar Piedrahita (

Experience a place where we see the world through feeling and a love for colors. Cesar didn’t initially go towards art. He was actually studying medicine in Cosa Rica, when he fell drawn to art and architecture. Art became the strongest draw of all for him. He describes it as “Todo con mucho color y abstracto siempre” says Cesar Piedrahita. All with lots of color and always abstract. And from here he began his journey. His first art exhibition was hosted by a local art patronage group “Sociedad Amigos del Arte,” which during their time has helped more than 80% of todays local artists get their start.

This year, in 2017, Cesar is working on a special series focused not so much on the urban setting as previously, but in the natural parques and green areas surrounding Pereira. Talking about his inspiration he tells us “Lo primero que hago es cojer la tema. Este ano voy a cojer la tema de los parques naturales y eso va fluyendo. La inspiración llega, como dice Pablo Picasso “Ojala la inspiración que me encuentre trabajando.” Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working – Pablo Picasso. That is to say Cesar is a firm believer that hard work is a key ingredient, a timeless value we can all appreciate.

To purchase or commission your own work of art:




Viviana Angel 

Painter | Mosaics | Restoration

Viviana Angel Pereira Colombia

Viviana poses with the definitive piece of her latest series based on the warfare of modern day Syria and her ancestral roots to the same place. The work is part of a collection titled “Cartografia Para Un Viaje.”

Colombians are very proud of their roots. Their connections to the old-world of colonial times is displayed in a weathered facade of proudly aged cathedrals, churches, government buildings and antique houses. The theme of roots and connections of the past and present are a driving force in this next artist, Viviana Angel.

Viviana’s grandparents were immigrants from Syria. As she was helping the family depose some personal belongings, she found a way to connect the past with the present. With the violent devastation of modern-day Syria, come intense feelings were discovered, even from afar. And along came the inspiration for Viviana Angel’s recent collection titled

“Cartography For a Journey”:

Es un viaje emocional. Mis abuelos son Arabes (de Syria), y hago esta obra como un homenaje a ellos. Ademas en un momento muy complicado por el país y una guerra sin fin. Y a trabajar algunos elementos de la cultura Arabe, que mi tocan sentimental y emocionalmente a me. Muy cerca. Its an emotional journey. My grandparents are Arabic and I do it has homage to them. Furthermore, in a moment very complicated for a country and a war without end. And to work with some elements of the Arabic touches me sentimentally and emotionally. Very close. – Viviana Angel

The collection consists of 25 pieces which can be seen displayed as part of La Cuadra Talleres Abiertos.  Mentioned previously in this article. Its a great art event which Viviana also helped to co-found and is held the first Thursday of each month.

To buy or commission your own art piece:



Hernando Hoyos Baena

Painter | Sculptor | Mosaics

Hernando Hoyos Baena Pereira Colombia

Founded in American art technique, Hernando recounts his time in the U.S. as an exchange student: “Fue un gran influencia en mi vida. Cuando tenia 15 me fue a vivir en EE.UU.  Y alli, tuve la fortuna estar con gente muy artistica. Casi toda mis materias que estudie fueron de arte. Fue bastante, bastante formativo.” It was a huge influence on my life. When I was 15 years old, I went to live in the US (as an exchange student). And there I was fortunate enough to be with people who were very artistic. Almost all my class studies were art. It was extremely, extremely formative.

Born in Pereira, his ancestors planted the mango trees of Plaza Bolivar in Pereira. As an artist in Pereira, the family legacy shines through the stylized mango themes of his art.

He went on to tell us more about his formation and upbringing in the art world saying “Yo soy artista de nacimiento. Yo soy hijo de dos personas muy cultas que viajaron mucho. En el mesa y comedor solo se hablaba de literatura, de pintura, de escultura, de música de teatro.” I am an artist by birth. I am the son of two very cultured and well traveled people. At the table, in the dining room only literature, painting, sculpture, music and theater was spoken of.

His personal take on inspiration: Hard work. Hernando starts every day at 7 and dedicates himself to his craft with self-discipline and a sense of vocation.

To purchase or commission an art piece:


Camilo Del Mar



Siempre tiene como la facilidad de hacer cosas muy manuales…al terminal de universidad yo quieria estudiar architectura. Pero como no tenian este carrera en la ciudad, entonces fue mas equilibre para estudiar artes.” To recap, Camilo always had the faculties to learn manually. And, at the end of his university career he wanted to study architecture. But, the option wasn’t available here in the city (of Pereira emphasis added), making it easier for him to study art.

From there, he discovered that the sky was the limit, even climbing as high as New York where he lived for a time, had his stuff in a gallery for a time, but finally came home to Pereira to do his own distinct type of art.

Today you can find Camilo teaching an art class focused on reducing the stress of medical students. When he isn’t teaching he is working on a project in his art studio in La Florida.

About his inspiration: “Todo la obra que hago esta relacionada con el cosmos. Me parece que, ahorita tenemos unos posibilidades que antes no se tenian. O que los otros artistas antes no tenían. El todo este desarrollo tenologico, scientifico y todo los exploraciones espacial. Entonces, creo que eso es parte de mas me gusta en mi obra. Toda la conexión entre la arte, ciencia, la astronomía y universo.” All of my works are related to the cosmos. I think that, now we have some posibilites that before weren’t available. Or that previous artists didn’t have. And, it’s all this development (of) technology, science and all the space explorations. So, I think that it’s part of what I like about my work. The connection between art, science and the universe.

To Purchase or commission an art piece:



Dick Rivas Rincon

Mosaics | Murals | Painter

Artists in Pereira

A current project, is a work of art for the community La Bananera (Via La Florida), where he is working with rock, concrete and even tile to create a 3D mural masterpiece over 20 meters long following the road.

Dick Rivas Rincon is a name you may have seen in and around Pereira. As a mural artist he is a well-known personage who continually wows us with the work of his which has been popping up in many public places. His art flows from a place that is colored by “mundos mágicos, y todos eses campos digamos, energeticos astrales todo eso multi color, multi formas, multi- creencas.” Magical worlds and all of these fields that we can say are energetic, astral, multi colored, multiples forms and multiple beliefs.

Regarding his inspiration and the pleasure he receives from his work Dick says “cuando estoy haciendo la obra y estoy entregando todo este pasión por la persona, por que es algo energético también. Es mi campo que se abre para entregar le a ese persona un momento de pasión alegría y amor. que la obra reviva esa en la otra persona.” When I am doing a work and I am giving all this passion to the person, because it is an energy (connection) also. It’s my field that I open up and deliver to this person a moment of passion, happiness or love, that the work revives all of this in the other person.

To purchase or commission your own art piece:

Call: +57 312 724 6766



Instagram: dickrivasrincon

Maurus Suarez Giraldus


Ricardo Muñoz Izquierdo

Painter | Drawing | Sculpture & Art Installations

Artists in Pereira

One segment of art, is the idea of conceptual art, where the art begins in your head and finds itself manifested via art installations. Art as a form of personal expression from idea to product. In Colombia, the big galleries and government sponsored projects evolve and rotate around this style of art.

We caught up with Ricardo and Fredy, (who you will learn about next) who live in La Florida at “La Cuenca” artist residence. Ricardo describes his theme as being rooted in some of the darker aspects of Colombian life “El Horror, El Sinestro, Lo ironico, la violencia, la sexualidad” The horror, the sinister, the ironic, the violence, the sexuality” He describes his early influences as

On the topic of Inspiration, Ricardo explained how,“La literatura hacio un influencia muy fuerte, especialmente “Generación Beat”, como William Boroughs, Patricia Hezmit, Yasutaka Tsutsui “Estoy Desnudo y otros cuentos”, el Punk, el Porno, Franz Kafka, todos los pintores de 80 como Andy Warhol. Todos los expresionista. Me interesa mucho in los cuentos infantiles como Pinocho.” Literature was an strong influence, especially the Beat Generation, like William Boroughs, Yasutaka Tsutsui “I am naked and other stories”, Franz Kafka. All the painters of the 80’s, like Andy Warhol. All the “Expressionistic.” (style of art. emphasis added)

Ricardo doesn’t currently have any art pieces for sale. Check back with us soon for information about a future exhibition in Bogota at SGR Gallery.

To buy or commission your own art piece:



Fredy Clavijo Cuartas

Drawings | Art Installations | Photography

Artists of Pereira

Fredy told us a story about how he participated in some beach clean up projects on the coast which helped to inspire some recent photography projects.

Fredy Clavijo, who also lives in La Florida, was able to describe to us in greater detail some of the philosophical aims of his “conceptual art” and photography projects: “mi proceso, mis pilares como conceptual “Primero, el tiempo. segunda, turismo. Y que hacen las personas en el tiempo de ocio. En el caso del tiempo, me interesa mucho este noción de perder el tiempo. Una noción que dentro la sistema capitalismo donde el tiempo es oro. El tiempo como capital.” First, time. Second, tourism. And what people do in their leisure time. In the case of time, I am very interested in the notion of “losing time.” A notion that, within the system of capitalism, time is gold. Time as capital. From this idea Fredy creates art installations and takes photos with a focus on these concepts.

He explained to us how he draws his inspiration from two sources: “Hay una que es lecturas. Leo mucho sobre sociología. Lo otro es que vivir aquí en la Florida. Me interesa el relación entre la ciudad y el parte rural. Donde viene para buscar un retorno de la naturaleza.” On the one hand, literature and lectures. I read a lot about sociology. The other is living here in La Florida. I am interested in the relationship between the city and rural areas. Where (the people: emphasis added) come, to search for a return to nature.”

Buy or commission your own art:




Colombia is an amazing country acclaimed for its concept of “Magia Realismo” or Magic Realism. Magical Realism is defined as true stories which have a touch of fantasy or otherworldly elements thrown in.  The idea was made famous by the literature of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. What most visitors don’t realize, is that the colors, biodiversity and environment of Colombia is its own Magical Realism. This idea was captured beautifully, by a documentary released in 2015 called “Magia Salvaje.” 

The art of Colombia has been and continues to be inspired by the concept of Magical Realism. The colors and experiences have created the Artists of Pereira, where despite challenges, have found ways to express their inner concepts of beauty to us. We have given you the tools and the information to buy high quality photography, sculptures and artwork so you can #BuyLocal and #SupportLocal for a healthier and happier community of small businesses, musicians, artists and dancers.

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    car wreckers March 17, 2017

    best informatin or all of us fr getting best iea about this

    Will July 17, 2017

    That’s the thiinnkg of a creative mind

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