Hello coffee lovers!
Imagine the fresh aroma of fresh roast Specialty Colombian Coffee, the warm aroma, a slightly bitter taste and a good body of essence and flavor. Come along with us and discover Gourmet Coffee Brands of Pereira and the Coffee Region and learn how you can ensure you are drinking only the best cup of coffee available!
First, a culture lesson:
Previously, in an article for Colombia Reports, we wrote this piece about the Evolution of Gourmet Coffee Brands of Pereira and Colombia’s Coffee Region: colombiareports.com/evolution-coffee-culture-colombias-coffee-region/ Where we discovered, that traditionally the best coffee is sent abroad, and the throw-away coffee, or pasilla, and is sold cheaply to the local inhabitants of the coffee region.
Now, a new culture is evolving where Colombian’s are re-thinking how they buy and drink coffee. The producers are creating, and even re-creating antique methods of artisan coffee processing. People are being educated by local coffee shops and become educated by fairs and events where coffee exhibitions and tastings are held. The result: people who know and love, and sell good premium quality coffee!
We are going to reveal to you the best, most well-known, but small Gourmet Coffee Brands of Pereira and the Coffee Region. Now, when you visit Colombia’s Coffee Region, you will return with an authentic, high quality, premium coffee. Your friends will be green with jealousy! Time to put Folger’s and Starbucks aside, we are going to show you the best of the best Colombian Coffee brands from Pereira and her nearby regions.
Important Spanish Vocabulary Terms To Know and Remember
Cafe: Coffee
Pasilla: Inferior or poor quality coffee, the trashy by-products of coffee production.
De Origen: Of Origin, meaning also that it has been carefully sourced and farm practices taken into account to verify that it is good quality.
Artesanal: Artisan, old-world/manual practices used to create a product
Cafetero: Coffee Grower
Cacaotero: Cocoa Grower
Campesino: Peasant, country folk, the sharecroppers, land managers etc.
Finca: Small Farm
Hacienda: Large Farm or Country Estate
Paisaje Cultural Cafetero: The Cultural Coffee Landscape, this is the common term that refers to coffee heritage of the coffee region. Look for places which use the hashtag #PaisajeCulturalCafetero to describe touristic places where historic preservation initiatives, special culturally important businesses and farms work hard to carry on the coffee region traditions.
The Best Gourmet Coffee Brands of Pereira and the Coffee Region
Here are a few brands which have distinguished themselves in the Colombian Coffee world as above-average. They contain attributes of taste, texture and roast which have won awards, created new flavor notes, or simply stood out from it’s peers.
#1: Bosque de Niebla
Translated as Cloud Forest, doesn’t that sound delicious? This coffee is very special to us. Because, it is grown by a woman. In the Coffee Region it is almost unheard of for a woman to cultivate or take a leading role in producing coffee. Even better, rumor has it, there were some heads turned by her product at a recent coffee competition event in Bogota. This coffee brand is available at an exclusive ice-cream shop in the center of Pereira, between Calle 17 & 18 just north of Centro Commercial Pereira Plaza inside Gelateria Horus Bajo Cero.
- Medium-Dark Roast
- Altitude: 1,890 meters.
- Origin: Santa Rosa de Cabal
- Sweet floral notes, a hint of vanilla and some fruity-ness
- Catacion:
87 points. (This is exceptional) - Editors Note:As of 2017 their cupping score has been upgraded, and is now 89 points!
- Cost: 1 lb
22,000 pesos25,000 COP
#2 Viejo Molino
An excellent ORGANIC coffee, Viejo Molino translates as “Old Mill.” A relatively new coffee shop in Pereira, you won’t be disappointed here either. Be sure to grab a piece of Orange Poppyseed Cake to go with it as a sweet and flavorful complement! This cafe is located on the Calle 21 between Carrera 6 and Carrera 7. We aren’t sure why we put off visiting this cafe so long, but now that we have tasted their caffeinated bliss, there will be many more visits from us in the future! Can you believe that Pereira has so many options? Editors Note: This coffee shop has reopened a few blocks from where it was originally.
- Medium Dark Roast
- Origin: Santuario, Risaralda
- Cultivation Type: Organic
- Altitude: 1,560 meters
- Flavor Notes: Sweet, flora notes, doesn’t need sugar added. Nice body.
- Cost: 1 lb 16,000 pesos (~ $5 USD)
#3 Cafe Velmuz
This next coffee is at a coffee shop that specializes in selling local “casero” or homemade snacks, made by local women. This is an traditional coffee is also of very high quality. For that afternoon pick-me-up, grab a cup of this fine coffee or purchase a bag of this one at Cafe La Tertulia: Carrera 6 #21-49. Tip: This cafe also has a frozen wine drink that is TO-DIE-FOR.
- Medium Roast
- Altitude: 1,800 meters
- Cultivation Type: Traditional
- Origin: Belen de Umbria
- Cost: 1 lb 18,500
#4 Cafe Jazmin
Enjoy a cup of coffee that we guarantee will put a smile on your face. With an impressive quality score of 84 points, this is a certified premium coffee. This cafe is very special in the sense that both the farm and the cafe is owned by the same family. With care and dedication they bring you high quality coffee from farm to table! And, as a special tourism bonus, their coffee shop is beautifully decorated with cultural relics of this region. Be sure to try their Dutch-Euro Style breakfast too! Located on Calle 23 between Carrera 6 and Carerra 7 in El Centro.
- Medium Roast
- Variety: Arabica
- Origin: Montenegro, Quindio
- Flavor Notes: Red Fruits (blackberry/raspberry/strawberry hints)
- Cultivation Type: Traditional
- Cost: 1/2 lb 10,000 pesos (~$3.25)
#5 Toranj Cafe
Another coffee in Pereira, that is it’s own unique taste and essence, is that of Toranj. On a side-note about this fun little cafe, their Frappe de Cafe is wonderful! Especially if you don’t like your frappe with tons of sugar, this is for you! Stop in one day soon and try a cup!
- Medium Dark Roast – Medium Roast
- Castillo Variety – Caturro Variety
- Organic – Traditional Cultivation
- Origin: Anserma Nuevo, Valle de Cauca – Altitude: 1,820
- Altitude: 1,790 meters – Origin: Marsella, Risaralda
- Cost 1/2 lb: 11,000 pesos (~$3.50) – Cost: 1/2 lb 10,000 pesos (~$3)
#6 Legado Cafe
Another great and unique coffee – called Legado Cafe, is offered over at Cafetalex just a bit farther up the street from Cafe Jazmin, calle 23 between Carrera 7 and Carrera 8. Here you discover not only a quality coffee, but also a quality preparation by professional baristas who specialize in the technical aspects of not just quality coffee, but quality coffee preparation. Here are a few details on the coffee they offer.
- Medium Dark Roast
- Origin: Marquetalia, Caldas
- Altitude: 1,550 meters
- Flavor Notes: Vanilla, Fruity-ness, sweet-brown sugar essence
- Cultivation Type: Traditional
- Catacion/Cupping: 85 points
- Cost: 1 lb 18,000 pesos (~$4.50)
#7 Maria Antonia
Another Farm to Table cafe, you won’t be bored for a minute with their coffee. Created by a family and named after the matriarch, this coffee comes in beautiful gift packaging. Especially if you love a nice cold-brew or manual prep coffee, the folks at Maria Antonia are fully trained baristas. A close second to Cafe Jazmin, Maria Antonia also boasts a fine premium coffee which has a score of 83 points for quality and taste.
- Medium Roast
- Altitude: 1,700 meters
- Origin: Belen de Umbria
- Variety: Arabica
- Flavor Notes: Caramel, Chocolate & Vanilla
- Cultivation Type: Traditional
- Cost: 1/2 lb 11,000 pesos (~$3.50)
Excellent guide. I can’t wait to try some of these. Just as an aside would molino viejo translate as old mill? Thanks.
Alan, Thanks for following our latest adventure in the Capital of the Coffee Region. Viejo Molino, yes it is “Old Mill” in Spanish. Enjoy!
Not only are coffee pickers demanding more rights, but also the landowners and local cafes are starting to take a much more intimate role in the production process.
For years we have all had these beautiful dreams of what a perfect cup of coffee should be. It’s rich, fresh, the right aroma and beautiful in presentation.
The area between the departments of Caldas, Risaralda and Quindio is known as the Coffee Zone because of the large development experienced by the cultivation of this product.
How can you buy Viejo Molino? A friend brought us some from Colombia. We live in the US.
I want to invite you to consider Entreverdes specialty coffee. It is also produced in Pereira by small farmers.